Saturday, March 14, 2009

no compassion for the grandfather clock

I really want one! -- I think it gives soul to a living area but G.'s adamantly against it: "antiquated technology!" I don't want it for the technology, I want it for the atmosphere... I've been eying one with Westminster chimes and thinking I could just close my eyes and imagine I'm in front of the British Parliament --> G.'s been proposing to strip the sound of Big Ben from our vacation video and set it in an endless loop for me... "then you can put your feet up with a nice cup of tea and... knock yourself out listening to that silly thing!" somehow, that's not what I had in mind... so I wondered aloud what would happen if one day when G. got home, it would just be there :)... G.: "if I hear a peep out of it... it goes in the fireplace!" D.: :(

P.S. I like the tic-tac, tic-tac sound... it's like a heart beat ; G. just finds it enervating... D.

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